Software is everywhere. Software is key.
Let’s do our best to make good software.
You want high quality software that creates business value.
We help you to establish the work practices for developing and managing successful software products.
Use the power of Atlassian Jira®, one of the leading software development tools. Build requirements practices that support your teams and drive your products.
Establish advanced requirements practices with modern tool support. Find the right tool and make the most of it, with the support of vendor-independent experts.
Bring requirements and risk management together. Let the two areas unfold synergies that drive product quality and development productivity.
Move up maturity levels of your relevant improvement and capability models like ISO/IEC 15504 (SPICE) or CMMI by using modern requirements practices as your driving force.
Define and implement your roadmap to software product management success. Trust in the experience of one of the largest providers of ISPMA certification trainings.